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They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab, I Said – “Oh, Okay Then.” January 13, 2010

Posted by bitchwantstea in Health, News.
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From Spring, Londoner’s signing on at their local job centre may be asked to take a drug tests – and if they refuse it, could face losing their income support for up to 26 weeks.

The government trial means job centre staff will be allowed to access the records of people who have been arrested for drug abuse or who have entered rehabilitation programs.  It also means job seekers wishing to claim benefits will be expected to declare in their interviews whether or not they have a drugs issue.  If job centre staff suspect a claimant to be abusing drugs, they will be asked to undertake an assessment, or even put into rehab.  A refusal could mean a withdrawal of financial support.

It is estimated that there are 100,000 “problem drug users” who claim benefits but are not in treatment.  The pilot scheme, which could later be rolled out across the country, will initially cover heroin and crack cocaine users, but may later be expanded to include alcohol abuse.  As long as those afflicted maintain their treatment, they will receive an allowance that will be paid for up to 12 months after they begin rehab.

Laser Treatment For Epilepsy? January 12, 2010

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A Massachusetts Institute of Technology team has discovered a way to shut down brain activity using flashes of yellow and blue lasers.  The team hope to adjust this to switch off neurons that generate an electrical impulse abnormally, causing seizures.

By closely examining the neural circuits of the brain, researchers plan to find targets that, when shut down, could treat epilepsy as well as other conditions including Parkinson’s disease and chronic pain.

Ed Boyden, who led the research, said: “Silencing different sets of neurons with different colours of light allows us to understand how they work together to implement brain functions.  These tools will help us understand how to control neural circuits, leading to new understandings and treatments for brain disorders.”

More here.

Pain in Positive Thinking January 6, 2010

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Cancer is predicted to overtake heart disease as the world’s biggest killer in 2010.  Diagnosis can be devastating, deliberating, and soul destroying.  But despite the cruelties of cancer – from chemotherapy to mastectomies – it’s important to maintain a positive outlook.  … Right?

In the past few years, positive thinking has become not just an encouragement, but a necessity.  Negativity is discouraged, even dangerous.  Nothing good can come from it.  But recently, reports have suggested that’s not quite true.  Australian Science Magazine has reported that those with a grumpy disposition cope better in certain situations than those with a happy one, by breeding attentiveness and careful thinking.  But Barbara Ehrenreich has a much more personal battle to tell with the power of positivity and negativity – her battle with breast cancer.

Some embrace cancer as a positive, life-changing experience that has made them a better person.  Some even refer to it as a ‘gift.’  And then there is the ongoing debate of whether positivity can be used as potential aid to recovery.  While this positivity is understandable and commendable, it is dangerous to stigmatise those who do not, cannot, or will not, feel the same way.  In her struggle, Ehrenreich documents not just the fight against the disease itself, but also society’s fear of allowing a sufferer to experience emotions such as fear, hate, anger and regret.  Pushing positivity increases the likelihood of those in need burying their true emotions due to guilt or shame, or even in fear that it will hinder their recovery.

Ehrenreich documents a particularity heartbreaking exchange between Deepak Chopra, co-founder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, and a woman with breast cancer.  The cancer had spread to the bones and lungs:

“Even though I follow the treatments, have come a long way in unburdening myself of toxic feelings, have forgiven everyone, changed my lifestyle to include meditation, prayer, proper diet, exercise, and supplements, the cancer keeps coming back. Am I missing a lesson here that it keeps reoccurring? I am positive I am going to beat it, yet it does get harder with each diagnosis to keep a positive attitude.”

Chopra’s response: “As far as I can tell, you are doing all the right things to recover. You just have to continue doing them until the cancer is gone for good. I know it is discouraging to make great progress only to have it come back again, but sometimes cancer is simply very pernicious and requires the utmost diligence and persistence to eventually overcome it.”

This truly highlights the danger of when positive thinking takes on unsubstantiated, unfounded, physical power to heal.  If only the sufferer had been more positive, more upbeat – then she might have been saved.  Ehrenreich’s warning is an important one:

“What it gave me, if you want to call this a “gift”, was a very personal, agonising encounter with an ideological force in American culture that I had not been aware of before – one that encourages us to deny reality, submit cheerfully to misfortune and blame only ourselves for our fate.”

More reading here. Thanks Telegraph!

G Marks The Spot January 2, 2010

Posted by bitchwantstea in Health, News.
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Kings College London recently surveyed over 1,800 women to prove once for all whether the elusive G-spot exists – and according to their results, it probably doesn’t.

“Women may argue that having a G-spot is due to diet or exercise, but in fact it is virtually impossible to find real traits,” said professor of genetic epidemiology, Tim Spector, who co-authored the research. “This is by far the biggest study ever carried out and it shows fairly conclusively that the idea of a G-spot is subjective.”

More here.

Your New Secret Diet Plan for 2010 January 1, 2010

Posted by bitchwantstea in Health, News.
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Dear BWT Readers,

Re: The Secret to Losing Weight

1) Burn more calories than you consume.

2) That’s it.

Happy New Year!